Call for Abstracts

Oral contributions are welcome on subjects within the scope of the conference. Authors are requested to submit abstracts, no later than 15 April 2017, according to the instructions below.

Authors will be informed of the acceptance of their contribution and its presentation not later than 18 April 2017.

Abstracts of all accepted contributions will be published in the Book of Abstracts that will be distributed to all participants during registration.

Only abstracts of registered people will be included in the book of abstracts.

Instructions for Presentations

Invited lecture: 25 minutes + 5 min for questions
Contributed paper accepted for oral presentation: 15 minutes + 5 min for questions

Presenters will have on disposal a PC running Microsoft Powerpoint. In particular, we would kindly ask our speakers to submit their Power Point presentations in a format compatible with Microsoft Office 2010, and to load their file on the presentation PC at 9:00 AM of the day of the presentation. Speakers should be present in the session Lecture Hall at least 15 minutes before the beginning of the Session in which they will give their presentation in order to introduce themselves to the Session Chair.

Instructions for Abstracts

Go to the web address for the abstract submission at the URL:

If you do not have already an account, choose “sign up for an account” and follow the procedure to obtain an account, using the e-mail you will have received as confirmation of the creation of the account. Define an user ID and a password to access to the system of submission of abstracts.

Once you are logged to the site, to submit an abstract choose “New Submission”.

Complete the information related to every author of the paper, specifying at least one Corresponding Author. If the abstract has more than 3 authors, use the “Click here to add more authors” option.

Enter the Title and the Abstract in plain text in the reported form. This is only to help the system and the database, but the ABSTRACT MUST BE SUBMITTED AS PDF format according to this template. Please notice that abstract length must be limited to one A4 page as indicated in the template.

Enter at least 3 keywords, one per line.

Select topics relevant to the abstract submission (one or more from the reported list).


Submit your abstract clicking the “Submit” button.

Once you have submitted one or more papers, you can access to your submission(s) through either the “overview” or “my submissions” menu. You can edit or add corrections or upload a new version of your abstract(s) before the abstract deadline.

Publication of manuscripts

Selected papers will be published by Radiation Physics and Chemistry (Elsevier) in a special issue guest edited by Jorge E. Fernandez, Marcelo Rubio and David A. Bradley. The contributed papers will be strictly by invitation. The format of the manuscripts and the submission schedule will be communicated to the invited authors.